Utvärdering av uttorkning av fukt i betongväggar med aktiv elektroosmos.
Stephan Mangold, Chalmers Industriteknik, 2016-04-04
har torkat ut och är torr, d.v.s. att resultatet underskrider Boverkets
riktlinje för kritiskt fukttillstånd på 75 procents relativ fuktighet
(RF%). Mätningarna visar dessutom att väggen blev successivt torrare
under den tolvveckorsperiod som testet omfattade."
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Influence of electro-osmosis applied to concrete demoulding on its properties.
Bian, Zhenghong Tian, Laong Mao & Kung Wu, Indian Journal of
Engineering & Materials Sciences, October 2015. "The main objective
of this study is to calrify how applied voltage in the process of
removing formwork based on electro-osmosis effect affects concrete
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Application of Electro-Osmosis to Combat Water Leakage in Aged Buildings.
Francis Lung, HKCI Annual seminar presentation, 2013-11-22.
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Electroosmotic Pulse Technology to Control Water in Varied Construction Media.
F. Hock m.fl. 219th ECS Meeting, The Electrochemical Society,
2011."Because of challenges to develop and commercialize EOPtechnology,
private industry has been involved since 1994. Various commercial
partnerships, especially the most recent between Electrotech CP and
ERDC, have resulted in successful field demonstrations of EOPtechnology
in military, government, and commercial buildings including basements,
tunnels, parking garage,and munitions bunkers. The latter proved the
electrical component could be adapted for use in a potentiallyexplosive
environment. EOP technology has been successfully implemented on USACE
Civil Works structures such as lock walls and is being considered by the
Bureau of Reclamation for use in galleries of high head power dams.
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Utbedring av fuktskadede kjelleryttervegger. Delrapport 1 -
Litteraturundersøkelse og generelle anbefallninger. Prosjektrapport 83.Stig Geving og Peter Blom, SINTEF Byggforsk. 2011. "Det synes dokumentert at velfungerende aktive
elektroosmosemetoder vil kunne gi en uttørking av fuktige konstruksjoner
mot grunnen."
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God bebyggd miljö - förslag till nytt delmål för fukt och mögel. Resultat om byggnaders fuktskador från projekt BETSI.
Boverket, december 2010.
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Laboratory Testing of Electro-Osmotic Pulse Technology to Reduce and Maintain Low Moisture Content in Concrete.
S. Marshall, Vincent F. Hock, Brendan J. Danielson and Katherine A.
Masko. 2009 Army Corrosion Summit, Clearwater Beach, Fl.
2009-01-06."When the anodes are placed interior to the concrete with the
cathodes near the surface where water can penetrate, EOP will block
water entry into the interior of the concrete."
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Demonstration of Electro-Osmotic Pulse Technology in Earth-Covered Magazines at Fort A.P. Hill, VA.
Report on Project FAR-01 for FY06. Orange S. Marshall, Jr. Augusti
2009. "Electro-Osmotic Pulse (EOP) technology can reverse below-grade
water intrusion through concrete pores. It has been successfully
installed in military infrastructure ranging from family housing to
steel-reinforced deep structures and tun-nels. EOP has been shown to
prevent below-grade moisture seepage through concrete and keep interior
concrete spaces at or below 50 percent relative humidity."
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Electro-Osmosis Using Multi Pulse Sequencing for Removing and Repelling Water out of Buildings and Other Structures.
Stanley, Ian McFeat-Smith, 33d Conference on Our World in Concrete
& structures, 25-27 August 2008, Singapore. "Electro-osmosis is a
well proven method of driving moisture out of concrete. The power
consumption for its ongoing operation is minimal, at about 10 watts per
1000m2 of the concrete area. Its use will help to prevent steel
corrosion and the occurrence of alkali-aggregate reaction. Because it
reduces the moisture in basements it reduces the corrosive environment
for plant and equipment. It also prevents the occurrence of mould and
bacteria formation on damp wall surfaces. In addition some of the other
benefits are listed below."
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Svensk sammanfattning av rapporten ovan
Electrical pulses protect concrete.
Joost van Kasteren, Delft Outlook, 2006
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Fuktmåling i kjellerlokale. Bygg 5461, Nygårdsgata 55, Fredrikstad.
(Norges byggforskningsinstitutt) Projekt nr O 10318, 2006-10-14. "NBI
konkluderer med at Elektroosmoseanlegget i Nygårdsgaten 55, Fredrikstad,
bidrar til å markant redusere fuktnivået i betongen. Det anbefales å
fortsatt holde anlegget operativt, da en nedkopling/svikt i anlegget vil
medføre at fukten i betongen igjen vil stige.
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Fuktmätning i betong.
Hans Fredin, Håkan Skoog. Lunds Tekniska Högskola, 2005.
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Evaluation of Lectros Dampcoursing System - Old Adelaide Gaol.
p. Mann & Michael Till. Report 2AM1620, 2003-03-28. "Comparison of
the drying characteristics of the Lectros test panel with the Untreated
(NT) panel shows that the Lectros system has had a dramatic effect in
reducing the moisture content of the wall (this can be seen clearly in
Figure 3). By the end of the investigation the Lectros panel was
considered to be in a “dry” state; this conclusion was confirmed by
analysis of drillings from the mid-thickness of the wall. In comparison,
the Untreated panel was found "to still have a moisture content of 8%
at a height of 46cm above ground level.
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Electro-Osmotic Pulse (EOP) Technology for Control of Water Seepage in Concrete Structures,
K. McInerney m .fl. US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research
and Development Center, August 2002. "Electro-osmotic pulse (EOP)
technology offers an alternative to the trench-and-drain approach by
mitigating water-related problems from the interior (negative side) of
affected areas without the cost of excavation. EOP technology can also
mitigate cor-rosion damage to mechanical equipment and improve indoor
air quality by control-ling the relative humidity (RH) on the interior
wall and floor surface at a level be-low 55 percent, thus eliminating
mold and bacteria growth."
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Svensk översättning av rapporten ovan
Electro-Osmotic Pulse Technology for Control of Groundwater Intrusion in Concrete Structures.
Nova Award Nomination 26. Construction Innovation Forum.
ElectroOsmotic Pulse (EOP) technology is based on the concept of
electroosmosis; the movement of an electrically charged liquid under the
influence of an external electric field. It not only eliminates
water-seepage problems from the interior of the structure without
excavation, but it further mitigates corrosion damage to mechanical
equipment and reduces the interior relative humidity of the basements.
The reduction in relative humidity or moisture content of the concrete
interior surface also eliminates one of the primary sources of disease
carrying molds and bacteria, which require a high moisture content to survive."
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Electroosmotic Bauwerkstrockenlegung (Building Berlin).
Dipl.Ing.Fritz Jürgen Braun, Bauing.Peter Pötzsch, Dipl.Ing.Günter Wagemann.
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Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM): Prüfung der Methode
FEO-B nach Tenge zur elektro-physikalischen Mauerwerksentfeuchtung auf
ihre Wirksamheit.
Nr 2/18776. Siemens AG.1978-06-16.
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ÖNORM B 3355-2 Trockenlegung von feuchtem Mauerwerk - Maßnahmen gegen aufsteigende Feuchtigkeit im Mauerwerk. 1999-06-01
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Demonstration of Electro-Osmotic Pulse Technology for Groundwater Intrusion Control in Concrete Structures.
F. Hock, Michael K. McInerney, and Erik Kirstein, U.S. Army
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories Champaign, IL 61826-9005.
FEAP Technical Report, April 1998. "Based on the results of
demonstrations and validations, this study concludes that the
application of EOP technology for control of water seepage in concrete
basement structures is an acceptable alternative to conventional
trenching and tiling." "It is recommended that the EOP technology be
transferred for Army-wide implementation as a cost effective alternative
to the “trench/drain” approach for control of moisture in concrete
basement structures.
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Kritiska fukttillstånd för några byggnadsmaterial. Preliminär undersökning.
Göran Hedenblad, Lars-Olof Nilsson. Rapport TVBM-3028. Lund, 1987.
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A Review of Rising Damp in Masonry Buildings.
Zhongyi Zhang, Advanced Polymer and Composites (APC) Research Group,
Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering, University of
Portsmouth, UK.
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Uppstigande markfukt. Teknisk Rapport.
Jan Nyberg m.fl. SFV.
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Tafjord Dam Case Study
Triton Norway
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Donggang Cable Tunnel, Dalian, China Case Study
Triton Norway
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Park West, UK, Case Study
Triton Norway
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Sun Hung Kai/MTRC Case Study
Triton, Norway
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Transport for London, Walthamstow Central Subway Case Study
Triton Norway
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Drying brick masonry by electro-osmosis.
L.M. Ottesen and I. Rörig-Dalgård, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
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Pulse Leak Repair Method: Evaluation in Trinity Bonnet Chamber -
Central Valley Project, Trinity River Division - California.
A. Little, Kurt F. von Fay, Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Services
Center, Materials Engineering and Research Lab, Denver, CO, United
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